Trust, Integrity, and Service.
Financial consulting and planning for professionals and business owners.
Our Approach
At Canton Financial we’re here to help individuals and businesses reach their financial goals in a cost-effective manner by providing them with customized solutions using life, health, and disability insurance products that suit their goals, needs, objectives, and resources.
Our Services
Asset Preservation
We give people options to help them not only accumulate more assets but also to preserve and protect their money for the future.
Estate & Legacy Planning
We work for you and your family to help determine when and how your estate should be distributed for those you leave behind.
Tax Planning
Our goal is to understand your personal financial situation, address your concerns, and create a customized plan.
Retirement Planning
Forecasting your financial needs, determining your known monthly income, and getting an idea of when you anticipate retirement.
Catastrophic Illness Planning
The most financially devastating occurrence that can happen to an individual is a catastrophic illness.
Life & Health Insurance Review and Planning
I will review and give you an unbiased review of your Life, Health, Disability, and Long-Term Care contracts.
Nursing Home and Medicaid Protection
We work with your legal representation to legally protect and save as much of the family’s assets as possible.
Client Testimonials
Ready to work with us?
Canton Financial offers those who do business with us many real-life experiences shared by our clients. We seek long-term relationships with those who might benefit from these experiences, financial affiliations, and advisory networks, enabling us to offer personalized solutions.
We ask you where you want to go, then provide you with a financial road map to point you in the right direction.